Friday, June 04, 2004

The past few days have been a blur of 'oh no' and 'jesus fucking christ' and a lot of cleaning. I'm sometimes thankful for OCD, the organizing, dusting and arranging until your head feels clear or your body drops... it's a good, natural way to deal with things, I think. The house looks great and the two most major events this week seem to be stabilizing.

He's a year and a half here on this earth, and things changed forever this week when a pot of boiling water fell upon him, 3rd degree burns... so deep his lungs got burned. He's been put into a medically induced coma. His mom is the most doting mom I know, the most careful, the most protective... accidents really can happen in the blink of an eye. He'll be in Boston for at least a month and a half, probably much more. Each day that goes by he is that much closer to making it, but each day that goes by also reveals the extensive damage done. Going door to door on Sunday to take up a collection for gas money so she can travel to Boston from Cape Cod as often as needed without worrying too much about the rising gas prices.

I talked with Noodle yesterday about all this, she couldn't stop crying when she heard what had happened to the little guy, and it seems to have become that 'something bigger than yourself' moment in her life. A time of clarity... that the world can revolve around you and you alone, if you want to only focus on you... but when you look around yourself and see the things going on in other people's lives and the ways you can make a positive difference, instead of having a negative effect on your own out of boredom or complacency... I want to be hopeful that she will somehow grab hold of her life in a more 'put it to use' kind of way. She's so creative and bright, she could really have an amazing impact on this world.

My favorite phrases from the boys this week:

Winter: "that is so cool"
KC: "awesome"

Working most of this weekend, which will be good... floating between stores, organizing... just what I need more of so I can think, think, think.

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