Wednesday, March 14, 2007

just bloggin' some great pictures I've discovered over the past few weeks,
while cleaning my dad's house and going through his files.

Today was rough... just when you think you're kinda doing ok with
the whole life~and~death thing, sometimes that fog rolls in again
and you're back at square one. So, to cope, I spent the day getting
the pictures on the computer, so I can print them up (I resized some
for my grandpa.)

The first picture below is my favorite. Apparently, my dad was kinda a goofball when he was in his late teens, hahaha! (19 or so in this pic.) :) Wearing his Beethoven t-shirt.

the picture below makes me realize just how tall my dad was...
it also makes me realize I wish I could have known my dad,
back when he was this age, cuz this is four or five years
before he even had me. Who was this guy? He wrote on the back
of this photo something comical, with a bunch of exclamation points
and everything... "Hey! I found that part you needed!!!"

This picture below is my dad's airforce picture (the above ones
were in the barracks or something.)

This is my grandpa and my dad... check out grandpa's cool leather jacket!

grandma and my dad as a baby... I love this picture of her and my dad.

another picture of my grandma holding my dad, she loved him so much. :)

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Me and my dad. This picture makes me happy. I miss him, but he's a part of the universe now, the whole entire universe, not just here on Earth. I can feel him around me a lot of the time (not all of the time, because that would just be creepy, like if I felt my dad was around me when I'm pooping on the toilet or something!) I know he's ok.

I miss you, Dad. But we'll see each other again, on the other side someday.