Sunday, May 28, 2006

We've been stripping our deck and, if you've ever done this before, you know... stripping paint off your deck can take a very, very, very long time. We've done it nights after work. We've done it on weekends. A lot of weekends the weather was rainy, so the project just kept extending in expected duration. We started in late March.

It's now the end of May. In just 4 more days, it will be June.

I went online to find out information on a better paint stripper, but we are using the best kind for wood, as well as for the type of paint we used out there, and one website stressed how 'patience' and being 'methodical' is key. We're very patient, and I think we both have methodical mindsets... but, tell ya this, we definitely reached a point today where we went 'bleh.'

Took off to the beach for a while with the kids, instead of working another whole day on the deck (worked on it this morning.) Glad we did, the kids 'captured' all kinds and sizes of crabs. They romped in the water, which actually wasn't that cold for May. Took a stroll on the boardwalk pier and checked out the fish and big crabs out in the deeper water. Sunshine and temps were just perfect for this kind of deck-break.

Came home, cooked some bbq'ed ribs and hotdogs for the kids. Most likely won't do anymore deck today, although part of me just wants to get the 'damn thing done already.' Might just relax for the rest of today and see if we can't finish up more tomorrow. I cringe when I think this project could easily go into July. One deck... and it's not a huge deck, either.

Much as we love challenges and take them on with determination and a 'full force' mentality, this deck stripping has been the one project we'd next time just hire a pro for instead of doing it ourselves.

My arms are still numb and sorta painful tingling in parts from powerwashing the paint off, and it's been hours since I was last out there.

Happy Memorial Day weekend. :)